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ESN Utrecht – International Dinner

Hello everybody,

Utrecht University and ESN want you to celebrate inclusion and diversity together in the upcoming weeks!🤩
On February 28th you are invited to a fun International Dinner where everybody gets the chance to explore foreign foods, socialize and be joyful. 🥳

If you would like to join everyone, all you need to do is to show up with your enthusiasm and favourite snack/finger food/dish from your own culture and introduce it to the table. Bonus points if the dish comes with a story too!
Feel free to join us for drinks in the city centre once the event is done to continue the fun! 💃🏻🍻

What? International Dinner 🥘
When? 28th of February at 18:00 🗓
Where? UCU Dining Hall 🎓

We hope to see you there to enjoy the evening together!

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