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ESN Utrecht – Potluck Picnic!

Hello everybody!

We heard May 18th is going to have great weather, therefore, why not join us in the park for a fun picnic full of games! πŸͺπŸπŸ₯βš½

SICo welcomes you to a potluck picnic where you can contribute with your favourite (homemade or not) dish to be shared. What better way to introduce your best-loved food than bringing it to everybody to bite? πŸ°πŸ˜‹
Not only there will be a diverse delicious dinner, but you also get to enjoy being active while playing some of the games we arranged for you! 🏸🏐🎯

Why think about it? Come meet us on a beautiful sunny day in the park and make some new friends! 🀩
What? Potluck and Picnic 🌼
When? May 18th, 17:00 ⚽
Where? Park Lepelenburg 🌳

See you there!

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