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ESN Utrecht x The Streetfoodclub Dinner

Hi everyone and happy new year!
The Culture Committee is back with another fun activity and this time we are doing so in collaboration with The Streetfood Club! ✨
On January 22nd at 7:00 pm we are organising an international dinner. Put on your chef’s hat and tune in to cook some amazing food, instructed by the Chef over at The Streetfood Club, meet new people and most of all: have loads of fun! πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ³ πŸ’›
You will receive a dinner box full of ingredients personally selected by The Streetfood Club (vegan and vegetarian options available!). The box contains portions for 2 people. This way, you can also meet up and share the food with a friend. During the evening, the chef will give us all instructions on how to prepare the meals. As per usual, the Culture Committee will deliver* the dinner boxes at your doorstep personally!
Get your tickets here: https://wordpress.esn-nl.org/esn-utrecht/tickets/ but be quick, before they are all sold out!
*Please note that delivery is limited to the city of Utrecht only. We expect to deliver the food on Saturday in the afternoon between 12.00 – 3.00 pm. Please make sure, you are home, so we can bring it to you πŸ™‚
Lots of love,
The Culture Committee! πŸ’›

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