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Rage Cage Tournament

Hey all!
Get ready to unleash your inner ping-pong ball bouncer and join us for an adrenaline-fueled event like no other – Rage Cage Tournament!
During the workshop you will πŸ»πŸΊπŸ“:
πŸ‘₯ compete against other ESNers in a fun environment
πŸ“ master your accuracy and drink some delicious beer
If you don’t know what rage cage is, you can read the rules of the game here: https://www.wikihow.com/Rage-Cage .Everything is included in the price of the ticket, the only thing you need to bring is positive energy and enthusiasm!
πŸ“… Date: March 19th @ 20:00
πŸ“ Location: Club Poema, Drieharingstraat 22, 3511 BJ Utrecht
πŸ’² Ticket price: €2.50
Don’t miss out on a chance to meet new people. Enjoy fierce competition and prime lager beer and join us later for an amazing ESNΒ studentΒ night!
Get your ticket: https://wordpress.esn-nl.org/esn-utrecht/tickets/

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