Preparation for the search
Before you start looking for a job, it would be good to find out what you actually like, but also to know what your strengths and weaknesses are. This part of knowing yourself will help you understand the value you can bring to a future workplace, which suitable position or job you want to consider. Understanding your strong and weak points will definitely be helpful for the future job interviews, when you are expected to “sell yourself”. How can you do that? You could take a tests via Career Services of Utrecht University here (free, but you need to be working or studying at the UU). Another way is by contacting Natália Leal. Drawing on circa 20 years of experience across different countries and sectors, Natália Leal offers tailor-made coaching paths for open-minded internationals. She combines tools from career design, positive pshychology, CBT and neurosciences to design coaching journeys that fit YOU. Holders of an ESNcard can get a Free Discovery Call here!